Cross-Country Ski is one of the most complete sports due to the involvement of muscle groups. This is directly related to the technique we learn to develop this sport. That is why we make it easy for you to identify your level in order to better develop your courses.

Are you putting on skis for the first time? Have you ever practiced sliding sports? Is this your first contact with snow?

Have you ever skied either Nordic, alpine or snow? Do you know the wedge? Do you glide? Do you glide on one ski?

Do you make turns on the descent or changes of direction? Do you know and identify technical gestures such as alternate, simultaneous, etc.? Do you know skating?

Do you ski with speed, do you do perfected turns, do you feel comfortable doing 1-1 and asymmetrical skating, do you gain or lose speed in the turns, do you gain or lose speed in the turns, do you feel comfortable doing 1-1 and asymmetrical skating, do you gain or lose speed in the turns?

Are you physically ready? Do you want to become physically ready? Do you want to learn how to optimize your effort through technique? EFFICIENT SKIING