Not to make you envious, but… what are you waiting to come with us?
Cross-country ski
Cross-country ski for all! Enjoy like a children with us.

Surprise yourself: learning to cross-country ski.

Skating technique in cross-country ski. Go to the next level!

Do you look after your cross-country ski equipment? If the answer is no… you should! Learn how here.


Introductory course to skimo. Snow + Mountain = PERFECT Plan.

From white to green, from skis to bikes, anythingis good in spring.

Would you like an Aneto on skis? MOTiVATE!

Or better Maladetas?

Safety mountain

Do you want to climb the Aneto? Here are some safety tips.

Safety Aneto: routes, schedules, techniques and material.


Documentary “Al paso del hielo”.

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